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Events for Belmont Open Sings
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Auditions are open for Brattleboro Concert Choir, Cantemus Chamber Chorus, Cantilena and GMChorale. See the auditions page for more information.
March 1, 2020 (Sunday)
7:30 PM. Belmont Open Sings [MA]: Fauré’s Requiem. Come sing Gabriel Fauré's Requiem for chorus and orchestra, led by Artistic Director Mary Beekman. All singers, choral enthusiasts, or musicians in the community are invited to participate. Admission: $10 at the door. For more information, call 617-484-4696 or email Payson Park Church, 365 Belmont Street, Belmont MA 02478 ⓘ 🔗
December 15, 2019 (Sunday)
7:30 PM. Belmont Open Sings at Powers Music School [MA]: Belmont Open Sings: G.F. Handel's "Messiah". All singers and community members are welcome to join talented soloists and orchestra members to sing through this choral masterwork, led by Belmont Open Sings Artistic Director Mary Beekman. Admission is $10 online or at the door. First timers are welcome. Vocal scores and a choral warm-up are provided. For more information, call 617-484-4696 or email Payson Park Church, 365 Belmont Street, Belmont MA 02478 ⓘ 🔗
March 31, 2019 (Sunday)
7:30 PM. Belmont Open Sings [MA]: Handel's "Utrecht Te Deum and Jubilate". Open sing. Tickets: $10 per person; No reservations needed. First timers are welcome. Accompanied by a professional-level orchestra, with some of Boston's finest soloists. Mary Beekman, Artistic Director. Vocal scores and a choral warm-up are provided. For more information, call 617-484-4696 or email Payson Park Church, 365 Belmont Street, Belmont MA 02478 ⓘ 🔗
December 16, 2018 (Sunday)
7:30 PM. Belmont Open Sings at Powers Music School [MA]: Belmont Open Sings: Handel's "Messiah". All singers and community members are welcome to join talented soloists and orchestra members to sing through this choral masterwork, led by Belmont Open Sings Artistic Director Mary Beekman. Admission is $10 online or at the door. For more information, call 617-484-4696 or email Payson Park Church, 365 Belmont Street, Belmont MA 02478 ⓘ 🔗
February 11, 2018 (Sunday)
7:30 PM. Belmont Open Sings, hosted by Powers Music School [MA]: J.S. Bach: B Minor Mass (Part I). Open sing. Tickets: $10 per person; No reservations needed. First timers are welcome. Accompanied by a professional-level orchestra, with some of Boston's finest soloists. Mary Beekman, Artistic Director. Vocal scores and a choral warm-up are provided. For more information, call 617-484-4696 or email Payson Park Church, 365 Belmont Street, Belmont MA 02478 ⓘ 🔗
December 17, 2017 (Sunday)
7:30 PM. Belmont Open Sings, hosted by Powers Music School [MA]: G.F. Handel: Messiah. Open sing. Tickets: $10 per person; No reservations needed. First timers are welcome. Accompanied by a professional-level orchestra, with some of Boston's finest soloists. Mary Beekman, Artistic Director. Vocal scores and a choral warm-up are provided. For more information, call 617-484-4696 or email Payson Park Church, 365 Belmont Street, Belmont MA 02478 ⓘ 🔗
November 12, 2017 (Sunday)
7:30 PM. Belmont Open Sings, hosted by Powers Music School [MA]: F.J. Haydn: Paukenmesse (Mass in Time of War). Open sing. Tickets: $10 per person; No reservations needed. First timers are welcome. Accompanied by a professional-level orchestra, with some of Boston's finest soloists. Mary Beekman, Artistic Director. Vocal scores and a choral warm-up are provided. For more information, call 617-484-5750 or email Payson Park Church, 365 Belmont Street, Belmont MA 02478 ⓘ 🔗
March 26, 2017 (Sunday)
7:30 PM. Powers Music School [MA]: Belmont Open Sings: Mozart's "Solemn Vespers, K.339". Come participate in performances of the great masterworks for chorus and orchestra. Experience the thrill of singing your favorite works accompanied by a professional-level orchestra, and revel in arias sung by some of Boston's finest soloists, led by Mary Beekman. First timers are welcome. Vocal scores and a choral warm-up are provided. $10 admission at the door. For more information, call 617-484-4696 or email Payson Park Church, 365 Belmont St., Belmont MA 02478 ⓘ 🔗
December 18, 2016 (Sunday)
7:30 PM. Powers Music School [MA]: Belmont Open Sings: Handel's "Messiah". Join us for this annual holiday tradition! Come participate in performances of the great masterworks for chorus and orchestra. Experience the thrill of singing your favorite works accompanied by a professional-level orchestra, and revel in arias sung by some of Boston's finest soloists, led by Mary Beekman. First timers are welcome. Vocal scores and a choral warm-up are provided. Bring a friend or family member to share this experience together! $10 admission at the door. For more information, call 617-484-4696 or email Payson Park Church, 365 Belmont St., Belmont MA 02478 ⓘ 🔗
October 16, 2016 (Sunday)
7:30 PM. Powers Music School [MA]: Belmont Open Sings: Schubert's Mass in E flat. Franz Schubert: Mass in E flat. Come participate in performances of the great masterworks for chorus and orchestra. Experience the thrill of singing your favorite works accompanied by a professional-level orchestra, and revel in arias sung by some of Boston's finest soloists, led by Mary Beekman. First timers are welcome. Vocal scores and a choral warm-up are provided. Bring a friend or family member to share this experience together! $10 admission at the door. For more information, call 617-484-4696 or email Payson Park Church, 365 Belmont St., Belmont MA 02478 ⓘ 🔗
December 22, 2013 (Sunday)
7:30 PM. Belmont Open Sings [MA]: Messiah open sing. G.F. Handel: Messiah (Parts 1 & 2, with some of Part 3), accompanied by a professional-level orchestra and soloists. A community sing led by Mary Beekman. All ages are welcome. Admission $10 at the door. Vocal scores and a choral warm-up are provided. For more information, call 617-484-4696. Brewster Hall at All Saints' Church, 17 Clark Street, Belmont MA 02472
Listing 11 events.
Archived Online Events
- Bennington County Choral Society [VT]: Magnificat: A Celebration of Praise. Taylor Scott Davis: Magnificat; works by Gjeilo, Biebl, Whitacre and others. Dr. Brian Dukeshier, Artistic Durector; Benjamin April, Assistant Conductor. With the Mount Anthony Union High School Chamber Singers. [12/8/2024] Bennington VT ⓘ
- Musica Sacra [MA]: Christmas Double Takes. Settings of classic music for the Christmas season, including settings of Ave Maria, Magnificat, and The Lamb, by Purcell, Howells, and Tavener, as well as Medieval and modern settings of English texts. You can vote on your favorites at a reception will take place after the concert. [12/14/2024] Cambridge MA ⓘ
- Wellesley Hills Congregational Church [MA]: Benjamin Britten's SAINT NICOLAS. An enchanting cantata about the life and legends of Nicolas: patron saint of children, seafarers, and travelers. The Hills Church Chancel and Children's Choirs; Michael Calmés, tenor; Dr. William D. Cooper, conductor. With orchestra. The service will be live-streamed (and available later) at Free will offering. Ample adjacent parking. [12/15/2024] Wellesley MA Visit archive
Other Choral Calendars—Not Choral Arts New England
- CT: Association of Connecticut Choruses (ACC)
- MA (Boston): Greater Boston Choral Consortium (GBCC)
- MA (central): Central Massachusetts Choral Consortium
- NH: The Choral Arts Foundation of the Upper Valley
- Greater Boston: Boston Singers' Resource Vocal Music Calendar